The first quality of a brave man is courage. After that other qualities are guaranteed.- Aristotle
Finite dissapointment is nothing, All we need is infinite hope.- Martin Luther King, Jr
Be quite and you will hear more.
If you have an empty mind, then it is open for everything. A empty mind is thus better than that of the expert.
It is not wise to follow any paths, but move to the place where there is no path and leave the trail.
Those who ask questions are fools for sometimes but those who do not ask one are fools forever.
Finite dissapointment is nothing, All we need is infinite hope.- Martin Luther King, Jr
Be quite and you will hear more.
If you have an empty mind, then it is open for everything. A empty mind is thus better than that of the expert.
It is not wise to follow any paths, but move to the place where there is no path and leave the trail.
Those who ask questions are fools for sometimes but those who do not ask one are fools forever.
One who end his life with knowledge but no any action is worthless.
Wise people read through actions, not through books.
A wise man should alter his opinions like a flowing water.
Those who learn to admire than to envy, to follow than to imitate, to praise than to flatter and to lead than to manipulate are the blessed ones.
Your thoughts reveal your actions, your actions reveal your tendency, your tendency reveal your habit, your habits reveal your character and your character reveals your destiny. So you should take care of your thoughts at first.- Sai Baba
Do not try to be like others for no one else tries to be like you.
Man can only discover the occeans after he is ready to take off his sight off from the shore.
all are so much impoverising